
Gender: Female

Country: United States

Member since: 02/23/2024

Rating: 0

Fans: 71

Stars: 6

VIPs: 34

Tokens: 970

Age: Prefer Not To Say

Sexual Preference: Straight

Body type: Prefer Not To Say

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5’ 9" (175 cm)

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Languages: English

Turn Ons: Sense of humor!

More info about me

I am all about positivity! I love to make people feel good. I adore animals and coffee. I love friendships and meeting people from around the world. I am currently in grad school to get my PHD in psych. That being said, I do not judge others and try to do everything with kindness. I try my best to answer everyone but sometimes I am busy. Thank you for understanding! Tokens definitely help get my attention. If you tip me, I will show you what you paid for in a private chat. Give me a few minutes and I will invite you! 🤗

My Diary