
Gender: Female

Country: United States

Member since: 12/08/2016

Rating: 0

Fans: 24

Stars: 2

VIPs: 2

Tokens: 110

Age: 27

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Body type: Average

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5’ 7" (170 cm)

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Languages: English, some ASL

Turn Ons: moonlight, candles, a great singing voice, cooking

More info about me

I'm a webcam model, an amateur adult video girl, a professional brand ambassador and tarot reader.

My favorite

My Diary

What an awesome holiday week! So far, I have decorated the house with my family, made so many cookies -even gluten free ones for me, and played streetball for the first time!